Teachers and librarians work too hard! So here are a couple of tools that I hope can make your burden lighter--just email me and I'll send you a copy of:
- My PowerPoint about writing nonfiction
- Activity pages to accompany Stompin' at the Savoy

Celebrate National Punctuation Day--September 24. How? There are lots of great ideas at www.nationalpunctuationday.com. And here are a couple of other ideas. Have a punctuation bee, like the one in PENNY AND THE PUNCTUATION BEE. I like to assign a mark and a word randomly and have students make a sentence using both. And for more fun, click the button below and have your students take the What Punctuation Mark Are You? quiz. Then ask them to make signs proclaiming their marks and go on parade!
Want to try some Reader's Theater with your students? Here's a script for PENNY AND THE PUNCTUATION BEE--enjoy!
For writers, teachers, and fellow punctuation lovers, here are a few resources I like:
- www.scbwi.org
- www.highlightsfoundation.org
- www.usawrites4kids.drury.edu-